Thursday, February 25, 2016

Psst, what's in that bag?

So I've been carrying around this colorful bag that I bought in Thailand to work with me everyday along with my usual handbag after returning from maternity leave.

Wondering what's inside?
  • Medela Freestyle Pump
  • Handsfree bra 
  • Cooler bag with ice pack
  • 2 medela milk bottles 
If you are not interested in a long boring story on pumping then read no further! You have been warned...
So I guess this makes me a so called "work and pump" mom. I wanted to make sure that Jude continued to have breastmilk while I was away at work so I just made sure to pump on a daily basis the equivalent of the milk that she consumed. She would typically have three 5oz bottles of milk while I was away. That equated to me pumping 3 times a day; in the morning before heading to work, at work and then at night before bed.

Jude has just turned 1 and this 1 year I have to say that I really bonded with this little palm size pump. I have used it in a lot of unexpected locations ...  in the sky (on a plane) on the ground (train, car) at sea (on a boat) ... haven't managed to take it underwater diving!  The reason that it was so necessary for me to pump in all those locations was not just to collect milk , in some cases I just dumped it, but it could get really uncomfortable if I went long hours between feeds or pump sessions. I also tend to get blocked ducts quite easily so I just wanted to keep that in check.
Now that Jude is 1 I have decided to discontinue my relationship with my pump, yes! Finally! And I must say that I feel somewhat liberated to be walking around not worrying about how or when or where I'm going to be pumping. I literally feel lighter not carrying my colourful bag around town with me. I have now replaced Jude's bottle feeds with full fat cow's milk and she gets to nurse from me whenever I'm around. I still need to figure out how and when I'm going to wean her completely but I expect it to be gradual over this year.

Here are some useful links on:
Milk storage :
Traveling :
Work and pump:

*Note: this post was drafted over a year ago, we have long since weaned from breastfeeding :)

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Has it really been 15 months?

I have just realized that its been 15 months since my last blog post! I realize that I have been away for some time, but just didn't realize how long its been exactly. Coincidentally, my absence from the blogging sphere coincided with Jude starting to stand, walk and run around. I guess I've been busy running behind her and she has been more demanding of my time lately.

I'm going to give blogging another attempt and hope to keep it up!