What a title for my first blog entry. I have been considering blogging for some time now, made a brief attempt at it a few years ago but never ended up following through with it. I guess at the time I wasn't confident enough with my writing to have my thoughts publicised to the world wide web.
I guess a (slightly) older and wiser me is ready to share my adventures and experiences in life especially as a first time mom, recently back to work and trying to balance it all. I realize that after referencing several books and goggling different issues that I continue to face as a new mom I have to resign to the fact that the best lessons are from living through and learning from experience itself. So why not share my experiences, with others who may or may not be on the same boat as me.
So why "Little Terror"?
It's 3am and I wake up to the cries of my 4 month old daughter. Just another day in our usual routine. I've been through this several nights already and we know the drill, pick up from crib, nurse, she falls back asleep, and I put her back in her crib and creep away quietly so that I can continue my sleep before her next wake up call at 6.30am...
Except last night was different. She refused to settle. She screamed bloody murder every time I'd put her back in her crib. No amount of soothing, pacifying, patting, rocking would get her to settle in her crib (not that she's used to being rocked - I worked hard to ensure that didn't happen!). The hubby even tried bringing her into bed with us. She was content to lay down look around, babble and squeal.... only she couldn't self-entertain for too long and began crying again for attention. She was D-O-N-E with sleep for the night, and there was nothing we could do to change that.
Lucky for me, while I pretended to be asleep the hubby took care of keeping her entertained until daylight broke.
How naïve we were, to think that the "sleepless nights" that parents always complain about were an exaggeration when she was 2 months old and started sleeping longer stretches in the night with predictable wake times.
It was pretty smooth sailing until a concept that I had never heard of prior to my obsessive mama googling - the oh so casual - jaw dropping - "4 month sleep regression" . You've got to be kidding me! I thought sleep was supposed to get better not progressively worse!
I guess we have a long journey ahead of us and haven't even started with the teething, colds, fevers and whatever else there is to come yet.
Maybe it really is true that full nights sleep are a thing of the past.
1 comment:
Great post! Can't wait to hear more about your experience as a new mama.
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